And then there's Noah...what can you say about him. He'll be 3 in a few weeks! He continues to make us laugh like no other and frustrates us the same. His vocabulary is a little to extensive for his own good and he's really struggling with who is allowed to tell him what to do and who he's not allowed to tell what to do. He still loves his sister and is not bothered by her in the least. He's still my cuddler, I cherish those moments when he curls up in my lap and even if its only for a minute, it gives me all the purpose I need. It encourages me to keep doing what we're doing, because even though we're hard on him, he still loves us (even though lately he says he only loves his Nana).
Maybe once school is over I'll catch up on my blog, maybe then I'll get pictures of Ellie printed, write in a baby book, crochet a million hats, get the basment finished, get my sister moved in, and really clean my house...............or maybe I'll just enjoy my kids and not stress the other stuff!