As a middle school girl, I tried out for a part in a play. My audition must have been good enough to earn me the role
I wanted, Lady Guienvere! I didn’t have a whole lot of lines, but I was part of a pretty epic scene that involved a
sword battle, where I yelled “help me, save me” and Arthur fought to save me from the evil (I think it was a dragon)
that had me in chains in a castle.
Fast forward 30 years and I find myself getting ready to get on stage again. This time is completely different. This
time I was offered a part. I didn’t have to earn it, or try out, or be the best, all I had to do was accept the part.
No one cared what kind of acting I had done in the past, all I had to do was say yes. 30 years later I’m still talking
about saving, however it's about the saving God can do and has done in my life.
I smile at the similarities, yet acknowledge the very large difference in my life from 30ish years ago. Jesus. He has
changed everything. He didn’t care about the mistakes I had made or the times I had completely disregarded him.
I didn’t have to be good enough for him, I just had to accept what he was offering. Salvation.
I invite you tonight to see our church play, "The Weary World Rejoices". Come see the people who said "I am the Lord's servant" just like Mary and Jospeh did all those many years ago. Come find yourself in one of the characters, those who doubt God, those who are angry at the government, those who are persecuted, those who could end up with a reputation, those who no one believed, those who are just exhausted. They may have lived 2000 years ago, but our worlds and the trials we face are so similar.