Then for an encore of our performance I decided we were going to make Halloween cards for everyone. So we break out the paint and go at it. Noah for the first time ate the was non toxic...don't worry, he then painted his chest (he had white nipples) and then we managed to get some paint of the cards. Then he got mad because I wouldn't give him the markers and we had meltdown #...well I've lost count at this point!
The saving grace of my evenings alone with Noah is bath time...oh how that child loves a bath. Daddy has gotten him started on "bubbles" in the bath tub...once again Mommy isn't as good as Daddy at bubbles, so Noah tonight took it upon himself to splash away to make bubbles like daddy....needless to say, we both took a bath.
But what I hope a hidden camera sees is that quiet moment at bedtime, when I do get to read to him and he actually sits still and listens....that's the moment that makes everything worth it. Tonight was extra special because I got a "love you" when I laid him down. That's the moment you praise the Lord for all the blessings in your life and get over all the other stuff that's gone wrong in your day and realize just how blessed your are!

Those "love you" moments make it all worth it!!! Love the picture and love you guys!
The "love you" made all the meltdowns worth it. The picture at the end is priceless! Noah is Mr. Personality for 2009! So cute.
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