I think it just hit me that I have to go back to work tomorrow! I shed a tear...but I'm prego, so I shed a lot of those! I just looked at Noah and asked him "Whose gonna drive me crazy all day?" He laughed at me...which he should...I work with 600 kids, there's always someone to drive me crazy, but no one can do it like my little man!
Who's going to drag me to the potty twenty times, especially in Target? Sorry no picture...but he's doing so good, barely any wet diapers! Or Bob's as he calls them, I don't know why, but we go with it!

Just a few others from our wonderful two weeks.
Sorry no time for anymore....someone whom I love dearly is driving me crazy :)
Who's gonna be my beach bum and tell me 50 times that it's "Time to go to Winda's house, to go swimming"
Who's gonna go to weddings with me and give the entire play by play of the ceremony out loud, during the ceremony? "Mommy they get married, Mommy he take picture, Mommy he has camera, Mommy pretty girl" Noah you have to be quiet "Mommy be quiet" ...and exit wedding!
Our July was filled with all the sunshine we could get. We did go to Winda's (Lynda's) and swim a lot, which got Noah ready for the beach. We were so blessed to spend two entire weeks in Emerald Isle, NC this summer. I wish we could have all been there for the entire two weeks, but I'm so thankful for the time I did have with my family.
That's our little house in the middle...the one you can barely see :)

But when you have this to look at everyday...who cares?!?!
I was spoiled rotten by my husband, I think I only carried my own chair once to the beach...he took such good care of me and Noah! This would be a sunrise they got to see, thanks to Noah and his new found love of being awake at 5 in the morning.

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