Besides a new wagon we will be needing a new car, which should be an exciting thing, but it just brings on a whole lot of anxiety! I dislike all things that have to do with negotiating...I would be an awful car salesman. The mustang was paid for....so the thought of new car payments is nerve wracking....but then I look back at that picture and I'm glad the mustang is gone, and I'm glad Noah wasn't in that car...and that I remember we can do all things through Him and it will all work out, maybe not the way I imagine it, but it will work out. So I've been all over the computer looking at cars, figuring out numbers, and my sweet little guy has been so good. He hangs out in the computer room with me, travels from one place to another, and just enjoys life.

Oh dear sister how right you are!! God forbid anything worse would have happened to him but with HIM you would be ok. I can't tell you the joy and tears that just poured out of me reading this post. We thank God for protecting Richard!! We love you guys sooooo much!!!
Thank you for loving us always!
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