Since Ellie got here, I've been amazed at how well Noah has transitioned. It's like nothing changed around here. He doesn't get jealous, he's not mean to her, and he doesn't get all that mad when I tell him to hold on a minute (which is like 20 times a day) and he only tattles on her a few times a day.
They made me cry...
Monday, July 25, 2011
Since Ellie got here, I've been amazed at how well Noah has transitioned. It's like nothing changed around here. He doesn't get jealous, he's not mean to her, and he doesn't get all that mad when I tell him to hold on a minute (which is like 20 times a day) and he only tattles on her a few times a day.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011

The car was totalled as you can imagine, a mustang where the odometer has stopped working, is probably ready to retire anyway. A mustang you can replace, a husband you can't. God watched over Richard that day, he was pretty banged up, but he was still here.
Whenever I pass by the spot where Richard's accident took place I always say a prayer and thank God for my husband and protecting him. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and I shed a tear, at the thought of what could have been. A few months ago as I drove by, it hit my harder than normal and as I got past the spot, I looked up and there was a sign that read "Jesus Loves You". Perfectly placed! Thank you Lord for loving us so much and thank you for protecting this family!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And then there's Noah...what can you say about him. He'll be 3 in a few weeks! He continues to make us laugh like no other and frustrates us the same. His vocabulary is a little to extensive for his own good and he's really struggling with who is allowed to tell him what to do and who he's not allowed to tell what to do. He still loves his sister and is not bothered by her in the least. He's still my cuddler, I cherish those moments when he curls up in my lap and even if its only for a minute, it gives me all the purpose I need. It encourages me to keep doing what we're doing, because even though we're hard on him, he still loves us (even though lately he says he only loves his Nana).
Maybe once school is over I'll catch up on my blog, maybe then I'll get pictures of Ellie printed, write in a baby book, crochet a million hats, get the basment finished, get my sister moved in, and really clean my house...............or maybe I'll just enjoy my kids and not stress the other stuff!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011
Speaking of my little man...he's not so little anymore! I can't believe he'll be 3 in June. He talks more than ever and is as dramatic as some of the 4th graders I work with! I love his imagination and his heart!
George wanted in on the pictures too, George is Noah's toy of the week. Each week Noah seems to find a new stuffed animal he loves and then it has to sleep in his bed with him. No biggie except he doesn't usually kick anyone out of the at any given time Noah has about 6-10 different animals in his bed.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
My sister and I are 5 years apart...well 4 years and 11 months to be exact...and that's to the day! I think I remember the day she was born, or it could just be a mom implanted memory!

As we got older that relationship changed a lot!

Saturday, March 5, 2011
You also have to shake your butt! I tried but he said I didn't do it right, maybe I didn't have the right beads...who knows! Oh well maybe tomorrow I can achieve Rock Stardom!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Oh and this is the "struction" man dance...yes they have a dance!
Thankful for a Sunday full of church, family, and relaxing! Gotta go find Richard, who has ventured off into the woods somewhere with Noah....someone's gotta make dinner!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
She has made the house feel complete. Noah is becoming a master at "what's wrong with Ellie", every time she cries he lets us know what she needs.This morning she was fussing as I was in the kitchen trying to get her bottle ready and I noticed she had stopped for a second, when I turned the corner to look, there was Noah rubbing her belly whispering "I gotcha Ellie Marie, its okay"...what a good big brother!