A Good Day
Saturday, July 25, 2009
**I have a great picture from today...but the camera and computer aren't cooperating!
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Noah also enjoyed the sand...although he had a rough time walking on it. I think his favorite sand activity was having other people pile sand so he could knock it down! I love the beach, but the sand everywhere drives me nuts...that was one I really had to get over on this trip! Noah's second favorite sand activity...eating the sand! Then he got very mad as we tried to clean it out of his mouth...should have just left it in there!! He also enjoyed naps on the beach...Nana was great at holding a sleeping Noah!

The sunset after a storm.

This toy was the source of much adult and child entertainment!

Sunrise the morning we left...so hard to say goodbye!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
...the thought of wearing shoes is disturbing
...the thought of wearing anything but a bathing suit and dress is also disturbing
...you don't remember where your curling iron is because you have done nothing with your hair for a week
...all of a sudden you can't sleep at 9pm because you've been going to bed after 11 for a week
...you haven't driven a car in week...besides the trip home
...you house stinks when you get back because you forgot to take the trash out before you left because you were so excited...(that's my bad)
...you proudly display your raccoon eyes and strap tans
...you are now the proud owner of dollar store sunglasses because the ocean ate yours (you are fab Cay Cay) and the owner of a pirate ship kite your husband caught while fishing...(oh if you could have seen the excitement around that one!)
...you can't possibly eat off of anything else besides a paper plate
...you are so exhausted to be back that your one year old sleeps till 7am (finally) and your dog sleeps all day too
...you wake up missing the sound of the waves
...you are way to lazy to put pictures from your vacation on the computer because that would take the energy you just don't have right now! I used all the energy I could find to get dressed for church this morning! More pics and stories to come!
Friday, July 10, 2009
I didn't have a picture for today, so here's the "cow" costume...you think it would have worked?!?!
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is what had inspired me to decorate Noah's bathroom with a fish theme. He made this at daycare, and I love it. It was just the baggie that said Noah's Ocean on it, I framed it and added the seashell. I plan on changing out the tape with something else. Best part is, these frames have been sitting around here forever...as well as the shells!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Noah just celebrated his first birthday. This has probably been the fastest year ever! Noah now walks, says "Hi", gives kisses, and thinks he's the funniest kid ever...I'd have to agree with him. When we first choose to name him Noah, it was because I looked at his ultrasound picture and decided he looked like a Noah...don't ask. But as Richard and I became more involved in church and became closer with God, I read a lot more about Noah, and why God chose Noah to build the ark. My hope for my child is that he has that same kind of love and faith in God.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
These are the men in my life...Noah is the cute one, and Richard's the big guy...not that he isn't cute too! They are both blessings in my life and both continue to teach me new things everyday!