Ahhh...sweet silence! I have approx. 30 minutes before #2 wakes up and wants to eat again and about an hour or so before #1 wakes up and wants all the attention! The kids (that still sounds funny to say) and I are on our own today. Richard had to work and help his sister move, so needless to say, its been an interesting day so far! At one point today, I was trying to feed Ellie in her room, I had Noah beside me on his stool with his blanket and animals asking me "please hold me Mommy", beside him was Kapone crying to go out and behind the chair Mandy...how we all ended up in that tiny little room! To occupy Noah for a bit we made Ellie a Happy One Month sign...

If you look closely, you can see the picture he drew of Ellie, I especially enjoy the big circle/triangle eyes! Today our little Ellie B turns one month old!
According to the Wii (we have no scale) she's weighing in at a little over 8lbs. I have no idea how long she is. She sometimes sleeps all night and then sometimes she likes to get up at 2am, either way, I love her sleeping habits at night. She hasn't quite decided what to do during the day. Sometimes she sleeps all day, other times she wants to be up and part of the party! She can roll from her belly to her back...she's a genius! She can lose a pacifier anywhere! She still wears newborn diapers and is just starting to fit into some 3 month clothes. She can sleep through church and the dogs barking, but squeaky floor boards wake her up! She loves her boys...she could stare at Richard and Noah for hours.

She has made the house feel complete. Noah is becoming a master at "what's wrong with Ellie", every time she cries he lets us know what she needs.
This morning she was fussing as I was in the kitchen trying to get her bottle ready and I noticed she had stopped for a second, when I turned the corner to look, there was Noah rubbing her belly whispering "I gotcha Ellie Marie, its okay"...what a good big brother!