Before anything, let me say I'm truly blessed with this little family of mine and every time I start to complain I think about that friend whose desperately trying to have a baby or that family that is falling apart and I get a real quick reality check from the Lord!
I've learned my husband is absolutely amazing...well I knew it already, but sometimes I forget, and don't give him the credit he deserves!

He has done everything in his power to take care of us and make sure that I have recovered properly...which is a huge task. He has taken off a lot of time from work to be here, changed more than his share of diapers and is up at every feeding. I haven't always been the sweetest to him during this time off and sometimes (believe it or not) I hold a grudge against him, when he's really done nothing wrong (shocker I know). Which leads me to the next thing I've learned...
Hormones SUCK! Like we didn't already know that, but having a baby reminds you what's really in control! You'd think after already having one child, I'd know better, I'd know I'm gonna be a nut, I'd know things weren't gonna be easy, I'd remember how much things hurt...but I think I blocked it all out...or the hormones did, we'll blame them! It's just scary how out of control or mean you can feel one minute and then be at peace with the world the next!
I've learned I can sweat horribly at night...again something that happened the last time, with Noah...but I blocked it out. I also can freeze all day long (thanks again hormones)...I can't wait to see our electric bill!
I've learned my dogs drive me crazy! Well at least when I'm stuck at home with them, I have one that won't stop crying (the big one...go figure) and one that won't stop itching (and no she doesn't have fleas).
Nursing still is no fun...not that I really expected it to be, but I guess I'm just not one of those women who LOVES it. I gotta admit it's going better than last time...but that's probably because I gave up and started pumping with Noah two weeks in. I've watched way too many videos and read way too many articles on latching on...frankly my child just doesn't act the way those babies do, they must drug them up before filming! My kid goes at it, arms flying and screaming...really the only time she cries. I'm tempted to put her swaddle on while nursing, just to keep those hands and arms on lock down! (A side note, I've learned the internet has a great way of making you feel inadequate, I need to stop googling).
I've learned Noah is excellent at putting a pacifier back in, putting clothes in the laundry basket, getting diapers, bringing me my drink....all as long as "he wants to". He also enjoys holding long as she's not on his knees?!?!? He has his moments...I'm not sure if he's attention starved or about to be 3...but in moments like this, you can see where his heart is!

I will continue to learn this baby isn't on my have my husband to thank for this one...and yes, I drooled on her head, that totally puts me in the running for Mom of the year!

I've learned I love my's hard being home by myself...yes I have Ellie, but I need interaction! I'm having a hard time picturing the next 5 weeks home! Maybe if we were made of money and I could go shopping all the time, I could handle it! I give big props to those moms who can do this 24/7 - you are amazing women!
I've learned family is amazing! We've had all kinds of visitors who drive hours just to come see us for a day! They bring food and presents and love! I've learned a church family is pretty great too! We've been spoiled with food and gifts from them as well!
All of this brings me back to one thing...I've learned how much God has blessed me! Yes things hurt, and yes I'm tired, and yes Noah is having a hard time being nice, and yes I'm tired of being cooped up - but look at what I have. I have a house to be cooped up in, I have a bed to sleep in when I get the chance, I have medicine to take when I hurt, I have another child to be ornery, I have a husband to help bear the burden and I have a God that listens to me moan and groan, but still loves me, reminds me to be thankful for what I have and then gives me another blessing.
Sometimes it easier to get caught up in the bad, then look for the good! Here's some more of my "good" from the past three weeks!
Richard and his mom anxiously awaiting grandchild #10!

Bringing our Ellie Marie home

Just being silly

1 comment:
Beautiful post Carly!! Love you all!
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