So when I started this, I really never assumed I'd be doing this a week later! It hasn't snowed in 48 hours!!! You'd never know it buy driving around here, my car still has a hard time on our road. I felt better this morning, and made the mistake of thinking....I'm all better, let's go!
We met up with some friends today in Culpeper
, for all our sanity. What a great drive... snow covered fields for miles. We took Noah to "Fun and Beyond". It's a big warehouse with a bunch of blow up slides and bouncy houses!Noah and the ladies! He loved these tables...all those slides and this is where he wanted to sit!

It took him a little while to get adjusted...especially since the first one we went in, was definitely not for little kids whose Mommy's have to help them through. I ended up having to climb a wall and hold Noah at the same time...hear me roar! We learned quickly wear to go!

A more Noah friendly slide! 
Going down head first! Every time he'd get to the bottom, he'd say "ouch, sorry, gen"!

Taking on the big slide! There are 11 steps up, we counted them, every time :)

Here he comes!
Figuring out he can do this all by himself! Watching him makes me realize how quickly he's growing up!
I'm not sure who was more exhausted...Noah or me...too bad I didn't get to nap in the car! Since we've been home, I haven't moved far from the couch, I'm exhausted and not feeling so hot. But I wouldn't have traded this day for anything. I'm thankful I had the time to do something like this with Noah, and I'm glad I could save Richard's back by not letting him play today! I think he was chomping at the bit to get in though!
He wouldn't look at the camera, he was too occupied with his Elmo remote. My boys let me eat dinner on the couch and even served it to me! Funny how I get so frustrated during the day with them, and I have moments like today when I have to put myself in check and chill out because I'm getting annoyed at silly stuff, but I know in a week I'm gonna miss them like crazy and wish I had another week like this one!

I can always can't on Kapone to look!