We've watched this a million times today...Noah loves watching himself! Please excuse my fantastic singing voice!
We've watched this a million times today...Noah loves watching himself! Please excuse my fantastic singing voice!
The kind of cough that wakes you up at 5:30 in the morning...I think both are faces looked like this! Of course nothing else was wrong with him, besides being a little cranky...but that seems to be the norm around here lately! Oh how I wish kids had some special button or light that went off when they are doctor's office worthy. I can't stand going to the doctor and "it's just viral, wait it out". So anyway the cough got a little better by Friday, unfortunately the crankiness was still around and I can only describe him as having a certain "terdness" about him. But he had acquired a new ailment by bedtime...a fever....which he has carried into today all day. Don't ya love how the minute the doctor's office is closed they get sick?!?!
Poor kid...I don't really know what's wrong with him. Every time I ask him what hurts, his first answer is "eyes" and then he moves on to "nose" and then names every other body part he can think of...so I'm not to sure how accurate that is! I've spent my day trying to entertain and manage meltdowns. He does pretty good till his Motrin wears off, then he's cranky and clingy. I won't complain too much about the clingyness, I love holding him, even if it only lasts five minutes.
He has not been sick enough though to stay out of time out. He told me today "hit, pinch, bite, time out", at least I know he does know what to do to be in time out...he's just not to sure how to stay out of it! But the boy can sure say "thank you". So at least if he's gonna be in time out he can be polite about it!
*We are really going to have to work on Noah's picture taking....or my camera abilities, or maybe I'm just really talented at getting that "special" look caught on camera*
A more Noah friendly slide!
Going down head first! Every time he'd get to the bottom, he'd say "ouch, sorry, gen"!
Taking on the big slide! There are 11 steps up, we counted them, every time :)
Here he comes!
Figuring out he can do this all by himself! Watching him makes me realize how quickly he's growing up!
I'm not sure who was more exhausted...Noah or me...too bad I didn't get to nap in the car! Since we've been home, I haven't moved far from the couch, I'm exhausted and not feeling so hot. But I wouldn't have traded this day for anything. I'm thankful I had the time to do something like this with Noah, and I'm glad I could save Richard's back by not letting him play today! I think he was chomping at the bit to get in though!
I can always can't on Kapone to look!
On a side note, Noah's doing a great job on the potty, went like 6 times today!
Here's some more of our adventures today!
Noah's cleaning...watch out he's dangerous with that broom!
Apparently the hallway was just too long for Noah tonight. He was on his way to dinner with his bib...but needed a break I guess?!?!
Daddy and Noah went and played outside for a while. Noah was thrilled because Daddy could make snowballs for him. At one point when I looked out Noah was chasing Mandy with a snowball, squealing with delight.
They did finally come in! Snack time...resting that big old noggin on his hands! Then my fantastic husband went to the grocery store...took Noah with him and got everything on the list! What a lucky girl I am. He even made dinner when he got home!
Like that action shot?!?!
We got home, ate our dinner, had a few time outs. Does anyone ever feel like their child lives in time out? I get so worried he's going to be a bad kid...Richard keeps assuring me that they all do this. Tonight it was throwing his plate on the floor and hitting. I keep wondering if time outs are doing anything, he's usually over there babbling away to the dogs. It got to the point I've taken the carpet away he sits on because he plays with it and wraps himself up in it. I wish I could not stress it...but that wouldn't be me if I wasn't stressing about something.You can always count on Noah to help out!
He's an excellent reader...can't you tell! At least the book is right side up!
Is it just me or does his face say "My mom is a nut and is driving me crazy!" All is good now, Noah just came to tell me goodnight, gave me a kiss and told me I was "pity" (pretty)! I love that kid, even when he is a stinker...goes for the hubby too!