Not to much to share today. I was sorta out of commission, not that Mommy's ever really get to be sick. Had a rough night sleep last night, so at 5 this morning I gave up and enjoyed the next two hours in quiet...just me and Kapone. I'm not sure if it's strep, but it's something that makes my throat hurt a whole lot. So Daddy was on full time today, thank goodness he was home!
We had more snow today....I don't even know how to measure it anymore (so here's the grill again) notice how high the snow is against the rail.
In fact it didn't even seem like it really snowed that much because it only lasted 8 hours opposed to the recent 36 hours! Richard got to go play on the four wheeler and plow some more, while Elmo babysat Noah for me, since I was fading in and out on the couch....good thing my kid's a Blaine and completely zones out when he watches TV.
We had more snow today....I don't even know how to measure it anymore (so here's the grill again) notice how high the snow is against the rail.

Daddy and Noah went and played outside for a while. Noah was thrilled because Daddy could make snowballs for him. At one point when I looked out Noah was chasing Mandy with a snowball, squealing with delight.

They did finally come in! Snack time...resting that big old noggin on his hands! Then my fantastic husband went to the grocery store...took Noah with him and got everything on the list! What a lucky girl I am. He even made dinner when he got home!
There is no Mommy and Noah shot from today...I'm slacking, plus I look rough today! I didn't wear real clothes either...but I think it's okay since I'm technically sick! Noah is going to daycare tomorrow, he needs to see his friends for a day and I'm not sure if he'd survive one more day at home...he's getting mighty brave!

Like that action shot?!?!
Praying you feel better!!!
He looks like he is really enjoying the snow time with the daddy! Rest and feel better!I love you!
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