When I woke up this morning it felt like the day after Christmas. All the excitement was over, all the family time was over and it was back to our normal busy life. Richard left for work, even though he's on vacation, and once again it's just Noah and I. I got up and did my typical check facebook....thank goodness I still have power! Everyone's post was about digging out and getting out of their house, and I laughed to myself because I just want to keep my family in my house for longer than 1 day! What's the rush? The stores will all be there tomorrow, take advantage of this time together....of course give me another two days and I'll probably be begging to get out of here!

What a beautiful morning, so quiet and still, everything was so calm and peaceful...of course until my dearest friend Noah woke up! He ate his typical breakfast of cheerios...feeding half to the dog, because Mommy was being too lazy and pouting to stop him from doing it! I was a good girl and ate a real breakfast (first time this blizzard), wanted to be nostalgic and make some cinnamon sugar to put on my english muffin....mixed it all together, and made a big ol mess trying to get it into a shaker thingy. Again laughed to myself because I know I used to have a small little funnel thing that I never used, so I'm pretty sure I gave it to Noah to play with...and well needless to say, we shall never see that funnel again!
I was getting a little tired of my pity party and the Disney Channel, so I put on my big girl britches and decided to take Noah and the dogs outside, since the sun is shinning and I've been blessed with another day with my child! So I bundled up my Christmas Story kid and off we went!
Heading down our drive way....he took off like he was running for the hills! I love all this snow!
***funnel update...it's been located behind a box of tea....life can return to normal***

We lost half of Kapone...

"pelpt...guck"....translation "Help, I'm stuck"

His new favorite color is "ite" (white)!

1 comment:
Awww. Great job on your snowy blogs! Brought a smile to my face!
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